Month: August 2013

Jelly Bean on HTC Sensation XL

htc-sensation-xlHTC Sensation XL was released late 2011 with some praises and criticisms. Ice Cream Sandwich was pre-loaded on them and HTC seems to forget about them in terms of updates. Well that’s a thing of the past because Rootbox has made available a custom firmware update for Jelly Bean version 4.2.2 for HTC Sensation XL.

Below are the steps that you need to take to have Jelly Bean running on your XL. (more…)

3 Password Tools That Can Simplify Your Life — And Protect You From Hackers

password tools

The recent news that someone using your computer can see all of your passwords stored in Chrome with a few clicks made me aware of something that I had known — but ignored — for a long time: I have five or six passwords for dozens of accounts.

I’ve heeded the warnings and tried to come up with secure passwords that combine letters, numbers, capital letters and symbols. But often, I’m unable to remember a password and find myself wasting time resetting it.

Enter “password management” tools. These services generate unique passwords for each site that requires one. Your codes are all stored in one central place, which can be unlocked with one master password. (So be sure you don’t forget it.) (more…)

How to master iOS security: 5 simple ways to increase data protection and privacy

Top 5 ways to

Security is one of the most important, yet oft-neglected facets of modern mobile life. Whether you’re using an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, your entire life, and a lot of your friends’, families’, and associates’ lives, are right there on your device. From contact information to location data, messages to photos and video, website logins to payment methods, if someone gains access to your device, and your stuff, it can make that life, those lives, annoying at best, catastrophic at worst. Adding security does require more time and effort than going without, but nowhere nearly as much time and effort as it takes to recover after your stuff is spied, stolen, or otherwise violated. It’s security week on Talk Mobile, so while you probably already know the basics, we’re going to share the very best of the tough stuff!


Samsung Galaxy S4! Is it truly the best phone around.

Yes you must have heard, seen or own the Samsung Galaxy S4. Samsung have been kind enough to offer its customers with the Samsung S4 Active (water resistant) and the Samsung S4 Zoom (for photo lovers).

Ever since the release of this smartphone, there have been several reviews but this post would focus on the effectiveness of the new features on the phone.

According to Samsung, the S4 simplifies your everyday task. It is described as the ultimate productivity device. How true this is depends on which camp (iOS or Windows Mobile) you belong. For a neutral party or someone who is new to the Android camp, the phone is truly an ultimately productivity device with few exceptions.
